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Asphalt 8 Best S Class Car to Buy

Some cars are better than others – I think this applies everywhere, also in Asphalt 8. With so many cars available in the game you always have a hard choice which one to get and also which one to max out.

It takes a lot of time and credits to max out a car in Asphalt 8 and you don't want to do that for a car that is not worth it, right?

That's why I decided to create this list of cars that are definately worth getting, ranked by class.

Best Cars In Asphalt 8

So, without any further ado let's jump directly to my favorite car picks in Asphalt 8.

Please mind this list is not for multiplayer – you can find the best multiplayer cars here.

Class D

I do recommend you to get the Mazda RX-8 for sure – it's one superior car.

asphalt 8 masza rx8

Looking at the raw stats it has a very high max PR for Class D and there are only four cars that have a slightly higher PR. But there's more than that that makes this car to my favorite one in this class and that's how it performs on the track.

This car has one of the highest top speeds and also a really good acceleration which gives you a lot viability on many tracks. The best thing is the highest handling that will make it drift very nicely while the other cars tend to oversteer and have more like a sharp drifting – this will help you building nitro a lot easier and this will boost it on top of all other Class D cars, making it my personal best car in this class in Asphalt 8.

Class C

In Class C my favorite choice is the Maserati Alfieri, for sure.

maseratri alfieri

It does not only have the third-highest PR in this class, it also has a lot more to offer to dominate all kinds of tracks.

The biggest strength is the raw power and that is has the highest top speed in Class C that can compensate a lot while still having strong acceleration and nitro that will be very useful. It has a wider drift radius than the other top cars in this class, yes, but it will compensate that with the raw power easily. Also, it has a quite low notro consumption.

On extremely technical tracks you still might be in a little disadvantege with this car and cars with a sharper drift radius have an advantage but still, I would choose this car over the others at any time.

Class B

The developers of Asphalt 8 are very likely Mazda drivers – the best car in Class B is again a Mazda RX-8, this time the Mazda RX-8 Special Edition.

asphalt 8 masza rx8 special edition

This is no lazy pick here, this one is the best Class C car. You have one of the highest max PR ratings.

It simply has insane acceleration and reached one of the highest top speeds (Only the BMW i8 is a little bit higher). Otherwise, all the advantages from Class D apply here as well, especially the handling that will give you a big advantage when drifting and building nitro as well as staying on the track perfectly. Another thing that improved to the Class D counterpart is that the nitro efficiency also improved and even when it now sounds like a lame choice – this is the best Class B car in Asphalt 8 right now.

Please mind that it's not useful for multiplayer, but you can see here the best cars for multiplayer

Class A

We're getting to the higher classes and here there are several cars that I like to recommend – if you get all three of them there's no track that will shut you down.

I'll recommend the Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG Special Edition on all tracks except Area 51, Nevada or Barcelona where I recommend you the Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport and Sector 8, Dubai, Tenerife, Great Wall & Venice where the Rezvani Beast Alpha is the best car.

Let's have a closer look at all three of them.

mercedes benz slk 55 AMG

The Mercedes Benz SLK 55 AMG is in general the best car and the first you should work on maxing out because it is viable on most tracks.

The acceleration is a little bit squishy and the drifting radius also not that good and nitro efficiency pretty low – but this car makes that all up easily with the highest top speed you can imagine (540km/h). Especially on straight tracks that are not too technical this car is simply a beast and can't be beaten.

A good strategy is simply wall-riding when you hit top speed and don't start to drift at all and let settle it with it's insane top speed.

chevrolet corvette grand sport

When you have tracks with more corners you want to have the Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport ready. It has a slightly lower top speed but is still second-fastest behind the SLK 55 AMG but has a better nitro efficiency.

It's not a drift car but you can make good use of drifting combined with the high nitro efficiency to make up for it. Use it on tracks like Area 51, Nevada or Barcelona where the SLK 55 AMG will struggle with corners but those tracks are not that technical that you will have an disadvantage.

rezvani beast alpha

When it comes to the really technical tracks like Sector 8, Dubai, Tenerife, Great Wall & Venice, you want to use the Rezvani Beast Alpha.

This car compares a really good top speed and acceleration with an extremely tight drift raidus that make it perfect for tight and technical tracks to stay ahead of other cars that have a higher top speed (not that there are more then 3 faster cars in Class A).

You will win those tracks with this car but on long straight tracks the cars with a higher top speed will beat you.

Class S

We reached the top class in Asphalt 8 and choosing here is pretty difficult because not that many cars are available to purchase or only for an incredible amount of Tokens.

Still, I think I found a good recommendation for you.

The absolutely best car to get is the McLaren X2, no doubt about that.

mcLaren X2

Great nitro efficiency, great acceleration and one of the highest top speeds in the game make this already an amazing car to have – but the best thing about this car is that it can steer really sharp and take corners that other cars can't while maintaining top speed. This gives you an huge advantage over the other cars. Don't drift that much with this car, it has quite a large drift radius so rather go full speed and around the corners without drifting.

Still, this car is not available for purchase so I can also recommend you the Devel Sixteen Prototype. It costs a good amount of credits but that's worht it 🙂

devel sixteen prototype

This is the third-fastest car in the entire game and the fastest one in the Class S so that's already one thing that speaks for getting it. It has a pretty wide turning radius and also drift radius but it will compensate it with the raw speed on most tracks.

You can also neutralize that disadvantage by breaking early aor entering into drift prior to the corner to get through it easier – this requires some skill but will make you dominate a lot.


I know that there are also other great cars in the game, but those above are the ones that really are worth getting and investing to max out. If you have another car and it feels good and you can win there's no need to dump it and get one of the above – this guide here is more like a general advice if you are not sure what car you should get in Asphalt 8.

if you have any additional questions or doubts, please leave a comment below 🙂

Asphalt 8 Best S Class Car to Buy
