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White Cat Blue Eyes Missing an Eye White Cat Missing an Eye

hglick has been rescuing and placing stray cats for over 20 years and has personally fostered more than 10 rescues .

Your cat's eyes are red around the edges, have brown discharge or another eye issue? Find out some common causes.

Your cat's eyes are red around the edges, have brown discharge or another eye issue? Find out some common causes.

Cat Eye Problems

Cat owners should always be on the lookout for eye problems. Unlike dogs, who use a combination of sight, hearing, and smell to become familiar with their surroundings, cats depend mostly on their eyesight for hunting and stalking their prey.

Watery eyes, frequent blinking, squinting, and pawing at their eyes, may all be signs that their eye is painful. Cats also have an extra eyelid, which is called the nictitating membrane. If this extra eyelid is visible, then something is most likely wrong. You should then:

  1. Examine the eye to see if you can recognize the cause. The best way to examine the eye is by using a single light source such as a flashlight, preferably in a dark room. You can prevent the cat from panicking by using a pillowcase that is pinned around his neck, in order to restrain him. Remember, If your pet is frightened, his eyes will dilate, preventing you from making an accurate observation.
  2. Try comparing one eye to the other. Look to see if they are of the same shape, color, and size. See if they bulge forward or are recessed backward. A discharge might be present, or the eye may be cloudy, hazy, or smoky. To test for vision, cover one eye and touch the other several times with your finger. If the cat has vision, he will blink when your finger approaches.

If your cat has a painful eye, you should seek immediate veterinary attention.

Signs and symptoms to look out for include:

  • Discharge: A clear discharge without redness and pain indicates a problem in the tear drainage system. Any discharge should alert you to the possibility of cornea or inner eye involvement. A thick, sticky mucus discharge along with redness and inflammation indicates pink eye or conjunctivitis.
  • Pain: Signs of pain include squinting, tearing, tenderness to touch, and avoidance of light. The nictitating membrane may protrude in response to pain. The common causes of painful eyes are injuries to the cornea and disorders affecting the inner eye.
  • Film Over the Eye: A whitish or opaque film that moves out over the surface of the eyeball is a protruded nictitating membrane.
  • Cloudiness: Loss of clarity or transparency in the eye indicates an inner eye disorder. Disorders that can cause a cloudy eye are keratitis, glaucoma, and cataracts.
  • Hard or soft eye: Changes in eye pressure are caused by disorders of the inner eye. The pupil might become fixed and fail to respond to light. A hard eye with a dilated pupil indicates glaucoma. A soft eye with a small pupil indicates inflammation of the inner structure of the eye.
  • Lid Irritation: These are conditions which cause swelling, crusting, itching, or hair loss of the eyelids.
  • Bulging or Sunken Eye: These are abnormal contours and positions of the eye
  • Abnormal Movements: These are eyes that focus in different directions or jerk back and forth.
  • Cross-Eyed Gaze: This is common among Siamese cats and is accepted as normal; however, other forms are caused by muscle paralysis.

Cat Third Eyelid Problems

Every cat owner has found the one issue which causes the most amount of stress and anxiety for their cat. Some kitties are born with special needs that are hard to fix, while others take extra work and often money to take care of.

My two-year-old male cat Alvin has a problem with his third eyelid. This eyelid which is called the nictitating membrane folds over sideways causing him to have a strange look on his face. You can imagine his problems with his vision and sleeping. He is a very skittish and nervous little guy, so it has been challenging to find a way to treat this ailment.



When a cat's nictitating membrane is visible over the corner of the eye it is usually said to be protruding. If one eye is involved the probable cause is a painful eye condition due to a corneal injury or a foreign body in the eye. If both eyes are involved the condition is most likely caused by a feline viral infection. Since Alvin had this condition from birth, I am assuming that he had an upper respiratory infection that affected his one eye. 1 or 2-day old kittens born outside usually develop some kind of upper respiratory condition, most of the time mild, however, Alvin might have had complications. This third eyelid problem doesn't seem to affect his playfulness or eating habits. He is also a healthy little guy.

The cat's third eyelid that is obfuscated should cause the owner to be aware of any chronic illness or disease which causes your cat to lose weight or become dehydrated. In those instances, you should visit your veterinarian.

Applying Eye Medicine


Steady your cat's head with one hand and draw down on the lower lid to expose the inner surface of the eyelid. Apply ointment to the inside of the lower lid. Application directed to the eyeball is irritating and may cause the cat to jerk his head, and eye injury can occur.

Eye Drops

Eye drops can be applied directly to the eyeball. Steady the heel of the hand in which you are holding the dropper against the side of your cat's head. Tilt the nose upward and drop the medicine into the inner corner of his eye. Rub the eyelids gently in order to disperse the medicine. Frequent application of eyedrops usually is necessary because they tend to wash out with tears.

Use only preparations that are specifically labeled for ophthalmic use.

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The source and diagnosis of any eye problems can usually be determined by one of the above symptoms. Pay very close attention to your cat to see if he/she exhibits one of them, and see your vet if necessary.


  • The Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook by Delbert G. Carlson, D.V.M and James M. Giffin, M.D. - First Edition

Cat Eye Problems

  • Eye Infections in Cats
    Uveitis is an inflammation of the inner pigmented structures of the eye. It is one of the most common inner eye conditions of cats, in part because a number of feline infectious diseases can involve the eye.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on April 18, 2021:

Lanna, This is not a fake site, and I have mentioned before, in the comments that I am not a veterinarian. I have access to several good vets and have experience with having over 20 cats treated with different type of eye problems, so I try to give the best educated answer on the topic. If I can not answer the topic I will either suggest seeing a vet or not answer. I am sorry If I gave any other impression about my knowledge on this topic.

Lanna Diamond on July 26, 2020:

Is this just a fake site do you guys actually respond to people who are having troubles with their cats light come on vets you guys charge so much money if you actually care about animals can you at least respond my God

Samantha Carpenter Piccio on May 02, 2020:

My cat's eye - in one day - got a whitish film covering it completely like he's blind. Vets are closed in my area and the emergency pet hospital prescribed an antibiotic, which hasn't helped. He is 12, but this doesn't seem like a slow degenerative process from age. He experienced the same condition a few months prior and it cleared on its own. This time it's remained. There is discharge and slight swelling but no injury, and the vet did a pressure test for glaucoma (negative) and noted there is still vision. What can I do/try to help?

bruny on February 12, 2020:

my cat have notice within the last 2 month has brown stufff coming out of his both eyes! and also around bottom eyelid?

Brenda on February 06, 2019:

My one year old cat has has a red swiller eye about four times in the past four months. Sometimes left eye sometimes the right eye. Sometimes lasts a day or several hours. He's seems to struggle to open it and is red, and dark pupil from what I can tell. Never lasts more than a day but is reoccurring

kassia on December 19, 2018:

is it normal to have your cats eye going the other way than the other?

pat powell on October 17, 2018:

My cats eyes were a beautiful yellow but there seems to be a bronzy colour coming up from the lower lid and is now at halfway mark. Doesn't seem to suffer any irritation but concerned. Is this normal

Leila G. B. on August 09, 2018:

My cats inner eyelid is constantly showing lately and i noticed that the edges are starting to get some yellow thing. I don't know if its mucous or something else. What can i do? He also seems to get very sleepy lately. I panicked cuz the other day he got some small piece of styrofoam in his eye, he was playing around with some pieces i had at home, but i never expected that to happen. Anyways, im worried because both his eyes are like that, help please xc

Janice Monfre on April 18, 2018:

Hi My cat went blind a couple months ago and his eyes turned blue. yesterday i noticed one eye turned brown. what is going on?

Wocky on September 14, 2017:

I have noticed my cat intermittently winking and rubbing one eye. It tends to occur for a few hours at a time, separated by a week or even months. If I inspect her eyes, everything seems normal: no discharge or watering, no swelling, redness, or cloudiness. Then it seems to go away, but it has happened a few times. She seems to have no problem with her vision, and her eating, drinking, and litter habits are normal. How concerned should I be?

Joyce Robitaille on September 01, 2017:

can I use human eye drops in my new kittens eyes?

Becky Kaplan on July 16, 2017:

It is so hard to doctor my kitties! They were raised by thie r Mom in the woods first fi r or five month's. No one wanted them but ME! They both have that extra covering on thier eyes! Don't know what exactly what to? But thank You! You gave me the answes i needed!

John Stribling on June 26, 2017:

My Kitten (6 Months old) her right eye constantly waters up (like ur crying) and it runs, i constantly wipe her tear ducts, but not sure whats going on. Couple days ago was a trace of red (looked like blood to me). Ive set up for Vet Appt. but not till friday, anything i can do to help her?

Dee on January 07, 2017:

Hi my cat has redness coming from corner of both eyes no discharge or weeping it's not bothering her but looks sore what could this be please can you help

Hayley on November 24, 2016:

Hi, my cat's name is Coco, and she's been keeping her eye closed for a couple of days. It's weeping clear discharge and when I try to look under her eyelids it's very dark and almost looks like theres no eye there (but there is). Have no idea what this could be? She sometimes opens it a little but only very very slightly. She's not acting any different apart from keeping her eyes closed. Do I need to visit the vet or should it clear up on it's own?

KK on October 06, 2016:

what type of food should be given to cats when they are facing eyelid infection?

Claudia on December 07, 2015:

Hello, my cat's name is Bastet, and it seems she's been having some eye irritation lately. It happened suddenly where she just started keeping on eye closed, and didn't open it much at all. After a few days I wiped the outside of the eye with a warm damp cloth and now she occasionally opens it just a little or sometimes almost fully, but mostly keeps it closed. I've looked closely at her irritated and good eye and they look the same except for maybe one blood vessel I noticed on the bad eye. I figured it was just a stubborn foreign object irritation but it's been more than a week now and she's started to not eat her dry food as much. She still eats it but is reluctant, and when I gave her wet food she ate it all up very quickly. This is the only behavior change I've noticed. Is it just a foreign object or could it be something more?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on September 28, 2014:

Emily, It appears as though the third eyelid or nictitating membrane has covered your kittens eyes, probably due to an infection. The white blob could be part of the infection or the third eyelid. You should see a vet.

Emily on September 25, 2014:

I'm not sure if you answered this question before, but two of my kittens have a white film over the eye, with a white blob near the center. BUT the blob moves with the eye. I think I've seen it before, but I can't quite remember what happened... If you can help, it'd be much appreciated! :)

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on March 26, 2013:

Stacey, I believe this may answer your question:

Stacey on March 26, 2013:

The last couple weeks my one cat has had these rough patches right above his eyes. You know how some cats have an area between their ears and the top of their eyes where the fur is not as thick and you can see skin? This is right above both of his eyes from the edge of the eye lid about the area of a marble. I don't notice him itching or rubbing at it, it doesn't seem to bother him at all, but I noticed that those 2 spots are getting thicker and scabbier looking and today it looks like some of it is trying to peel off. I don't see anything oozing it's just crusty, patches that have progressively gotten thicker. He doesn't have any other spots like that on his body that I can feel or see. Just those 2 spots above each of his eyes. No dietary changes have been made recently, we did go through a bout of fleas in the last few months but I think they are gone and this started afterward. He was originally a partial feral cat and he still spends a lot of time outdoors with other ferals (that we do take care of) but I haven't seen any skin issues on any of them. Just wondering what in the world it could possibly be to be in only that location on his head and symmetrically on both sides like that.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on February 02, 2013:

Loviecat, This article may help you:

Loviecat on February 01, 2013:

Hi. I have a question about my cat's eyes that has not been covered. Lately, just in the past few months his eyes have been changing color. The last few days I have noticed he is spending more time on the bed rather than playing, though he does play in the morning. He is 5 yrs. old. I just witnessed him blinking a lot and his eyes are half-mast. I did consult the vet last week about him, but I have other cats, and one with a heart condition and thrombosis and owe the vet quite a bit of money. Taking Lovie for an exam right now may be out of the question with my vet until I can get the bill paid down some. Do you have any clue what could be causing this to happen to him? I'm hoping and praying it is not serious--this cat puts me to bed every night and is the most loving, gentle creature in my home. It would break my heart if something were seriously wrong at his age, but whatever it is, if it can be treated I want to try. First I need to know what can it possibly be. My vet said just to keep an eye on it, if the brown spots get larger then it could be a tumor but it seems he has a bit of brown in both eyes, one is quite large.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 14, 2012:

Andrea, Thank You For sharing, and we will pray that Thomas is

comfortable in his last few days.

Andrea on December 08, 2012:

I just wanted to mention that a bulging eye isn't always a simple solution or diagnosis. My 15 year old Blue Burmese started with nasal discharge and was diagnosed with cat flu. 6 months of extensive treatment and testing costing $7700 resulted in no improvement. Then in 48 hours his eye was bulging and his third eye lid was half shut. This led to a CT scan to reveal he has an agressive tumour throughout his sinus, extending down into his throat and behind his right eye. No surgery, radiation or chemo is able to treat it. Just pallative care now. I want to remind people that cat flu is over-diagnosed as a simple solution as to why your cat's eyes or sinus may be runny. Self diagnosis over the net isn' worth your kitty's life. Please take your cat to a vet when they are ill. Good luck to all that have unwell kitties. My Thomas is in his last few days and its been a privilege to have been his owner.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on August 11, 2012:

Amber, Sorry to say this but it sounds as though he has a feline viral respiratory infection. You should minimally have a vet examine him, He may need an antibiotic.

Amber on August 11, 2012:

Hi, I have a question concerning my 2 year old cat. 3 days ago I gave him a bath because he had flee dirt all over him and needed it because he is easily infested if no bathed periodically. Yesterday I noticed his eyes are odd looking. Starting from the inner eye where our tear duct would be to about mid-eye he seems to have a film or like his second eyelid is inflamed and it's like that today as well. He acts te same, no change in appetite and playful just skittish. This morning however I noticed him sneezing a bit but stopped after a few. What could this be and can I do anything to help? Sort on money so I'm hoping it's a cold that will clear in time and hoping its not a respiratory infection. Any suggestions?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on May 30, 2012:

Monti, unfortunately the cat probably needs to get some antibiotic ointment in the eye at a minimum. You might look into rescue agencies in your area, who might supply some free or inexpensive care. You need to get his eye looked at by a professional

Monti S. on May 29, 2012:

I recently took in a stray cat (which I've had for about two months now) who was getting attacked by another cat I believe. I've let him go outside and he would always come back unharmed but a couple weeks ago I let him out and he returned with an injured eye. He cleans it with his paw but it still is oozing and he doesn't open it often but when he does the corner of the eye is red and the eye itself is slightly hazy. I don't have the money to afford to take him to the vet and plus he still hasn't fully learned to trust me yet and won't let me touch anywhere near his eye. I don't know what I should do please help.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on May 10, 2012:

Leigh, During REM sleep, your cat's eyes move behind the eyelids, limbs twitch, and whiskers move around. Up to 60 percent of your cat's sleep is REM sleep, three times more than we have when we are asleep. It is common for the nictitating membrane to be visible during REM sleep. This is also a period where weird sounds or noises can occur, the same way some of us talk while we sleep.

What you describe, seems like fairly common sleeping patterns in a cat.

Leigh on May 09, 2012:


My cat is about 10 years old, female and indoors for the last 5 years. She is pretty healthy although she is on the small side due to a first-heat litter delivered before I met her at a shelter.

I have noticed that she has started to make occasional small grunting-type noises (almost light snoring) when sleeping, especially at night, intermittently. She normally subides after a few minutes and may or may not start again.

Tonight as I looked over beside me where she was sleeping, I saw her left eye open (right eye was closed so I couldn't compare) with a small amount of nictitating membrane visible but almost no pupil showing at all (pinpoint pupil equivalent in a human).

I was seated beside her in a low light environment that would never have allowed her pupil to constrict to that point.

I decided to try to wake her and it took her more than her usual insta-wake but she did wake up. however, it appeared that she needed another few seconds before she kinda gave herself a shake and looked like she was truly "with it". At that point her pupils then appeared to be dilated as per normal and reacting to light.

Is this something that is likely REM-sleep related and harmless or do I need to be thinking of getting a CT or MRI done?

She is normally pretty healthy and reasonably active with no food changes or exposure to any toxins/illnesses.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on May 08, 2012:

Wendi, It appears as though the nictitating membrane or third eyelid has come out to protect an injured eye. Since both eyes are involved, the cause is probably a feline viral respiratory infection. You should try to get the cat to a vet for eyedrops. An antibiotic such as clavamox might also be in order.

Wendi on May 08, 2012:

My outside cat has a white layer of skin covering 1/3 of his eye. It started in his left eye and now his right eye began to do it too. Im constantly brushing him cause he's shedding like crazy and has a bad case of dandruff.. Any ideas what's going on?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on April 20, 2012:

Z kitty, Get her to a vet right away

z kitty on April 20, 2012:

i think my cat cant see anything. She is bumping. she only response for sounds. How can i treat her.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on April 10, 2012:

tiffani, It is fairly common for a kitten to get a sticky eye due to a bacterial infection. You should drop by a vet for some antibiotic eyedrops, which should clear up the problem.

Tiffani on April 08, 2012:

I have been looking through the page and didn't really see any symptoms my new kitten has. I just got him today and I noticed that he gets excessive eye mucus. I have had cats all my life and it looks normal. I don't see any redness or anything but I am having to clean his eye with a warm damp washcloth a couple times an hour on average.

Now I did have a cat growing up that was born without a tear-duct. He always had mucus build up and run off. Never any redness or anything. His eye was usually about half open. My new kitten is kind of doing the same thing but he is being very cooperative in letting me look and clean his eye. Please help with some advice to what I should do

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on March 29, 2012:

Totalblank, Normal behavior and eating patterns is a GOOD THING, therefore you may not be looking at anything too serious. However, for safety sakes, let's repeat an answer to a similar situation commented on previously in this article.

An opaque third eyelid, normally not seen, (the nictitating membrane), may come out to protect an injured eye. When one eye is involved, the most likely cause is a painful eye condition such as corneal injury, foreign body in the eye, or a cloudy eye problem. When both eyes are involved, the condition is most likely caused by a feline viral respiratory infection. If this is the case, antibiotics may be required.

Totalblank on March 29, 2012:

Hi. My kitty will be a year old in may. I always have loved her eyes,shes the only cat i have with greenish eyes and the other night i was sitting playing my xbox with my lamp only on and i looked at her and 1 eye looks normal color and the other is a BRIGHT yellow/green like it looks like one eye is a flash light. So i turned all the lights off thinking okay its just a relection and that eye still glows,so i turned all the light on and when she looks at me her eye doesn't shine anymore the eye is not so cloudy its not grey it just looks like it maybe has a light light flim over it or kinda like the whole eye became lighter then her other one. If you wanna imagine kinda what it looks like in the dark,you know when you take a picture of a cat and both its eyes come out a bight yellow because of the flash,well imagine that but im not taking a picture ,and only one eye is shining like that. I cant get my cat to a vet right now i dont have the money and iv been looking this up all night and i cant find anything on it. She has no discharge,she is playing normally eating normally and everything seems to be fine. I can never get her eye open enough to see the whites of her eyes really but they look normal,they are white with some red veins. Anyways ty very much and i appreciate you taking you time to read this.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on February 27, 2012:

Kelly, Jess might have had an infection that spread to the other eye. The vet will probably advise you top put eyedrops in her second eye.

Kelly12 on February 26, 2012:

I have two 8month old kittens from the same litter, they are spay and vaccinated. They both go outside. Last week we noticed Jess had a cloudy eye, she is still as crazy as normal, eats and drinks normally and is just her normal self, lily our other kitten is absolutely fine. We took Jess to the vets and they were unsure if it was her second eye lid or an infection, they have given us eye drops and it worked well and cleared but now it's gone to her left eye and is worse, there's no discharge I can see. We have been told if her right eye didn't clear up to take her in this Tuesday and there do further tests, she have scratched it as they already checked and as its in the left eye now I'm really worried about her, is this common? We will take her to the vets tomorrow or tuesday.

Please help!!

Mmargie1966 from Gainesville, GA on February 21, 2012:

WOW! Great advice...thank you!

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on February 15, 2012:

Rachael, See:

Rachael on February 13, 2012:

today i noticed that on my cats left eye the outside is a pinkish/red color. he is also squiting and pawing at it should i be concerened about it?

Hanna on January 31, 2012:

Thank you very much!


hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on January 31, 2012:

Hanna , This should be a normal behavior in your cat,

Cat's eyes have a reflective mebrane behind their retina called the tapedum lucidum. The tapedum lucidum acts as a mirror so that light that passes through the retina will get reflected back and therefore have a second chance of stimulating rod cells which are in the retina and used to detect light. A human's eye actually has the opposite type of membrane. It has a membrane behind the retina that absorbs light so that reflected light does not blur the vision.

As long as his eating habits and balance seems normal he should be OK.

Hanna on January 30, 2012:

My cat is 12 years old and recently his eyes have been very shiny, like two flashlights, during the night and sometimes at day time too. It doesn't look like he has any film or gray cover, nor crossed. What can be the reason?

Thank you

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on January 12, 2012:

laura, Your cat probably has an irritation or an allergy to something in the house like a plant or other substance involving contact with her face.

Laura on January 12, 2012:

I have had my cat for 3 years and she has had a chronic problem with her eye watering. It will go away for a few months then come back. I have taken her to the vet two times and they just give her a different medicine (neo-poly-bac hydro), but it comes back again in a few months. Her eye is not red at all and she lets me wipe it with a tissue. She her behavior doesn't change when her eye waters. She acts normal.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 28, 2011:

Kayla, Not sure what the problem is, but there is no breed of cat with a missing eye. This is either a deformity or they lost the eye in a fight.

kayla on December 24, 2011:

i have some cats outside and i saw that one of their cat friends looked like they were missing an eye. So then i thought mabe it lost it fighting but then i see a smaller cat with the same thing. Is there a breed of cat that is missing the right eye or is it an eye problem that i can help with.

Winter Grace on December 20, 2011:

Okay thank you so much!

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 19, 2011:

Winter Grace, See the following blog:

Winter Grace on December 18, 2011:

My kitty,he's not even a year old yet,has a cloudy eye and his eyelid is hairless.He is kind of squinting out of it.My family is getting really scared.Just 3 days ago he tried to climb my christmas tree so my baby brother sprayed him with water,it got his eye accidentally.We dot know if that had anything to do with it but we are really scared.Please help:(

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 17, 2011:

Ginge, Your kitten might have gotten a foreign body in his eye. Examine the eye. If you see the material you might be able to remove it with tweezers. If you do not see anything, you might to get him examined by a vet.

Ginge on December 16, 2011:

Hi, I've just got a 9 week old kitten today and as the day has gone on, I have noticed that he is not really opening his right eye much. There's no discharge, it looks the same colour as his left eye and it's not cloudy. He hasn't eaten or drank anything since he's been here but has been sick once and has slept pretty much most of the time. I am a bit worried that it's a bit more than just settling in. Please help.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 11, 2011:



luke on December 11, 2011:

My cat has cloudy eyes but no discharge. She also has the third eyelids coming out more than normal in the corner of her eyes, her toilets have been runny but i think that could be due to change of dry to wet food.

Any ideas?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 03, 2011:

Kimmyko, Keep a close watch on your kitten. If she seems to lose her balance or bump into furniture, she may have impaired vision. Also, observe whether she carries her nose close to the ground. Blind cats usually can get along very well.

Kimmyko on December 02, 2011:

Hi, i have a 6 weeks and 4 days kitten and i noticed that she uses alot of her senses and hearing to get around and to play... she has greyish eyes with hint of very light blue but i notice some places seems to have a touch of white... anyways, i play with her and she doesn't always seem to be able to follow the toy or my hands very well... she uses her paws to feel more... and doesn't notice my son coming until she feels him really nearby then runs away.... either even nearsighted? and i put my fingers on each side of her head to notice if she sees both fingers but she only sees my left finger which is her right eye... she never notices the right finger with her left eyes... the other kittens who were born from same batch have no problem, are those signs of being half blind? or should i wait a lil longer.... thanks!

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on December 01, 2011:

cloudy eye, See:

cloudy eye on November 29, 2011:

my cat is around 6 months old yesterday we noticed his eye had a filmy or cloudy look to it. it seems to be a diffrent color not red just a darker color which may just be the film or whatever is on his eye causing it. what do you think could be the cause of this and what should we do?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 27, 2011:

Mere, It sounds as though your cat received an abrasion, or was bitten by an insect. Keep a close watch. If his behavior or eating habits change, you will need to get professional help.

Mere on November 27, 2011:

Yesterday morning we noticed our cat's left eye is swollen and has a white film on it. His right eye isn't swollen, but he looks out of it. He won't come around us and he's acting extremely scared. He's usually very sweet and affectionate. Do you think he got hit in the eye or ate something? We don't know what to do :(

J.J. on November 26, 2011:

Thanks. I'm almost positive the eye will grow or err... Get normal as she gets older. Anyway, thanks again =)

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 26, 2011:

JJ, wait a few weeks, and see if things get back to normal. If she's healthy and eating, it may just be an optical illusion.

J.J. on November 26, 2011:

My newborn Kitten's eye is smaller then the other. All the other Kittens are fine and so is she otherwise. She can see out of it, no irritation and no sign of infection or scratch. It's just flat out smaller then her other eye. Granted they only opened them up a week ago. She (they) are perfectly healthy. So my question is, is the eye thing normal, will it gradually get better and open up more.....ect?

P.S. For the record, She is not in pain and doesn't rub at it. No crust, puss, redness or watery-ness at all. I swear it's just smaller then her other eye. I figure if it doesn't get normal I'm gonna bring her to vet but I'm wondering if it's normal.

Amber on November 16, 2011:

Thank you so much. You have ben very helpful!

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 15, 2011:


There is an outside possibility that your cat has conjunctivitis and may need to be treated. Also, it is possible that he has an upper respiratory infection. Minimally he is

probably going to need an antibiotic for the eyes and an upper respiratory antibiotic (either Amoxicillin or Clavamox). You should try to get him to a vet in your area

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 15, 2011:

Amber,Here is an excerpt of how I responded to a similar question by Juanita above. It seems as though it applies to your cat as well.

"There are several possibilities in which a cat opens and closes it's eyes with a watery discharge. The first is a feline respiratory infection. This is usually accompanied by a red eye. If there is no redness, one of two other possibilities could still exist. Either your cat has irritated it's eye with a foreign substance, or there is inadequate tear drainage. If you can see it, a foreign substance can be treated by moistening a cotton-tipped applicator and use it to swab the eye. The foreign body may adhere to it. When there is dirt in the eye, irrigate the eye with a salt water solution (one teaspoon of salt to a pint of water) Soak a wad of cotton and squeeze it into the eye. After you have removed a foreign object, apply an antibiotic opthalmic ointment(Neosporin)The cat may persist in rubbing his eye after treatment. In this case the foreign body may still be in the eye or a corneal abrasion may have occurred. Professional assistance will be needed in this instance.

Inadequate tear drainage usually suggests that there is an infection of the ductal system. This can be treated with antibiotics by a veterinarian.

I would suggest keeping a close watch on your cat to make sure he does not exhibit any unusual behavior associated with pain or refusal to eat. In that case a trip to the vet might be necessary"

Pamela on November 15, 2011:


Ive got a little problem and hopeing you could help!!

Ive got a 13 week kitten and has just started having some brownish discharge from him eyes, ive been cleaning it with hot water but a few hours later and its back again :/ his eyes are not red though they look fine, could you please advice what u think it might be and if there is anything i could use at home to help him :)


Amber on November 14, 2011:

Thank you. His eye is not red at all.....what else do you think it may be?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 14, 2011:

Amber, If the kitten's watery eye is also red, the problem is a feline respiratory infection. If this is indeed the case, an antibiotic such as Neosporin Opthalmic ointment can aid in the treatment. A vet should be consulted when prescribing an antibiotic for a kitten.

Amber on November 13, 2011:

I have a kitten he is a rescue..he is about 10 weeks old and I have had him for almost two weeks. the past 3 days I have noticed a problem with his left waters some and looks a little smaller than the right one. He blinks alot and only the problematic eye blinks. I'm worried that he may be in pain. Any suggestions?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 03, 2011:

Rachel, As long as your cat behaves normally and is eating, some eye drops and an occasional q-tip or cotton swab wipe will help make him more comfortable. If the behavior changes, observe him for a few days, and return to the vet If he stops eating.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 03, 2011:

kevin, Your 4th kitten has probably acquired a viral infection such as conjunctivitis and needs to be treated by a vet.

Rachel on November 03, 2011:


my cat has a sticky geen like discharge from his left eye only. I was sitting with him and saw his eye water up and this light green discharge run out of his eye down his nose. I wiped it off ok , he did not mind. He is eating fine and acting normal. Last year he had an eye infection in same eye( conjunctivitis) and we were given ointment and it cleared up. I thought he had the same thing again as the discharge looked the same so I took him to my vets yesterday( discharge had been going on about 4 days) and told the vet about the discharge and they checked his eyes and said nothing was wrong. He also had his full yearly body check too which came back fine. His eye had the discharge thing again last night. I do not know what to do as my vet said his eyes were fine. I have looked at his eyes and they do look healthy, no redness and the whites are white( last time the white bit was red during his infection). My cat is 11 years old . Could the vet be wrong? Or am I just worrying about nothing? He does not hold his eye funny or scratch it or squint. He is not sneezing or anything or does not have any other signs of illness. Any advice would be great, thanks.

kevin on November 02, 2011:

hi, my cat gave birth to 4 kittens and 3 of them have all opened their eyes just fine but one of them only has one eye open and each time i clean it open it closes the next day. is already been more than 2 weeks since they been born.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 02, 2011:

A kitten with closed eyes has developed conjunctivitis and a viral infection. You should get it to a vet as soon as possible

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 02, 2011:

Lira, The discharge is most probably a mild form of conjunctivitis. The vet will probably prescribe an antibiotic and an eye ointment.

asia thornhill on November 02, 2011:

what does it mean when a kitty has its

eyes shut

Lira on November 01, 2011:

A stray had a litter in my yard, and I brought in the two kittens once they were weaned to get them socialized etc in hopes of finding them homes. They are playful, friendly, eat/poop well, but both sound as if they have an URI (sneezing, occasional rattle with purr) and have a thick dark discharge around their eyes and, to a lesser extent, the nares. I plan to purchase a small carrier and take them to my local vet on my next day off, but was wondering if this discharge rang any bells. I have had to remove it daily for the past three days upon returning home from work.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on November 01, 2011:

Charlotte, Clavomox is used to treat upper respiratory infection in cats, but it is best to get a vet to prescribe the dosage for you, so the animal will be able to tolerate it.

Charlotte on November 01, 2011:

I have quite an old cat and from what I believe she is showing signs of conjunctivitis. It is constantly watering or discharging something. Her eye won't open either at all or it's only open slightly, never fully. It's very red and sensitive to light. She's showing no signs of it being in pain and I've never seen her paw or rub it. However she does show signs of upper respiratory infection, she is constantly sneezing.

What treatment can I give her if I can't afford the vet? I'm aware she's very old, of about 16 years but is there something I can do to help her?

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on October 22, 2011:

Yoda, The visibility of the nictitating membrane does not necessarily call for the use of antibiotics. You should leave her alone until you notice a change in behavior or some discomfort

Yoda on October 22, 2011:

Hello.I have been caring for an outdoor (feral) cat for four years. She ("Leo") is semi approachable at this point, it's taken a lot of time and effort to make her somewhat friendly. I noticed a few days ago that the membrane in the left eye was prominent. She is not showing any signs of discomfort, no discharge, no swelling, no rubbing. It would be impossible for me rub ointment in her eye or take her to a vet. I have no trouble giving her pills using treats and food. Is there anything I can give her orally, (antibiotics?), that could help? I also have indoor cats, so I have a supply of cat meds available.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on October 08, 2011:

Jeannie, the thick mucus discharge suggests a form of conjunctivitis. If treated at home, the eye should be cleansed with a dilute solution of boric acid made up for opthalmic use. This can be purchased over-the-counter and used as directed for people. Usually there is improvement within 24 hours.

If you don't notice any improvement, keep her warm, with a clean supply of water with a clean litter box, until you can see the vet.

Jeannie on October 07, 2011:

Hi! I just recently took in a stray cat from a friend of mine who had no other choice but to give it to an animal shelter so I took her off her hands. Sadly, my new kitty has a definite eye problem. It honestly looks infected. It is draining mucusy, whitish, liquid (probably to flush the eye of bacteria or something), as well as definite clouding in the center of the eye (it is blue when looked into in direct light), and slight swelling around the eye. It is clear to me that she is partially if not completely blind in that eye. I don't have money to see a vet until next Wednesday so I was hoping you could help me make her as comfortable as possible until then, and maybe lend some insight to this problem. Thank you for your time. :)

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on October 05, 2011:

rachael, If your cat is not eating or behaving strangely, call up your local shelter and see If they can provide you with some help over the phone.

rachael on October 03, 2011:

something is wrong with my cat... im scared. i went to class this afternoon at 6 and she was fine, when i got home at 9:30 she was squinting and there is a clear discharge i can see her inner eyelid thing its in the bottom corner of her eye and is sticking out. i dont have money for a vet.. i dont know what to do.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on October 03, 2011:

sdt65, Cats can bleed spontaneously for many reasons, most of which are fairly serious. If your cat is still bleeding, without other side effects, you might need to get some blood work on her, to make sure there are no other more serious problems going on.

sdt65 on October 02, 2011:

Our 13 yr old cat starting bleeding from the eye about 5 weeks ago. I thought at first she had scratched it as it did not bleed everyday. AFter about a week, I took her to our local vet that said he had not seen anything like it and was hoping it was a cut that wouldn't heal. He gave her a antibiotic shot. We are now 3 weeks after the shot and sometimes it looks ok-not great-and others like tonight blood is dripping on the floor. Any ideas? Please help.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on October 02, 2011:

michelle, When the nictitating membrane is visible in both eyes, the most likely cause is a viral respiratory infection. You should have him examined to determine the extent and the medical path to follow. Usually medications or antibiotics are prescribed.

michelle decosta on October 01, 2011:

hi my his cat is almost 4 yr old he mainly stays in but wanders the neighbors yard once a night tonite he came back n his 3rd eyelids were showing in both eyes hes his normalself but im conserned about them all of a sudden showing what should i do please help

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on September 28, 2011:

Chelie, An allergic reaction is an unpleasant side effect caused by the cat's immune system. It doesn't sound as though your cat is having any unpleasant side effects to anything, therefore I'd rather doubt the speculation of allergies.

Cataracts are rather rare in cats, and I doubt that your cat has them. If you are worried, you should get a professional opinion.

Chelle Rosequist on September 27, 2011:

My cat's eyes looked clouded over in a picture recently, but when I look at her with naked eyes her eyes are very clear with no discharge. She is 14 years old, though you'd never know it by the way she acts, and has never lived outside, but it is "allergy season." Could she have an allergy or is it possible she is developing cataracts? As an RN that photo looked so much liked bilateral cataracts in a human, it scares me.

hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on September 27, 2011:

Patrick, a red discharge should be examined by a vet. Your cat may have an infection that requires an antibiotic to be administered.

Patrick on September 26, 2011:

I have a domestic long hair cat and she has a red or rust discharge from both eyes, I have in the past cleaned these off of her but she HATES ma doing anything with her eyes, she fites me as much as she can and noe whenever I reach out my hand to her she will dodge my hand,thinking that I am going to do something to her face or eye. Is this discharge normal or is it a real problem that needs to be adressed?

Thanks for your advice.

Take care and God bless.


hglick (author) from Riverhead,NY on September 23, 2011:

Mike, Changes in eye pressure are caused by disorders of the inner eye. The pupil might become fixed and fail to respond to light. A hard eye with a dilated pupil indicates Glaucoma.

Mike on September 23, 2011:

Hi Hglick

no other side effects at all otherwise healthy cat!just left eye dilated some of the time right eye normal most peculiar. If the cat was human with a bang on the head `Id be very worried maybe its some form of congenital problem!

